
September 24, 2024

POV: It’s November 2020 and I’m new to my becoming-a-web-designer journey, armed with nothing but Squarespace and a dream.

Oh, and Mailchimp.

Remember Mailchimp? That clunky beast of an email platform that made you want to throw your laptop out the window every time you tried to embed an opt-in form? Those were some dark times. (And looking back, I’m actually not sure which situation I was having a worse time with—the US presidential election OR trying to embed those freaking forms. I digress.)

I’d spend DAYS designing a gorgeous website for my clients, only for them to send out emails that looked like they were straight out of 1998—and not in the fun throwback way. I knew there had to be a better way – a way to make emails as sexy as the websites I was pumping out. Little did I know I was about to stumble upon the best email marketing platform for small business that would change the game forever.

Enter Flodesk.

I’m not sure quite when I stumbled upon Flodesk – as with everything good in my life, I think I got served an Instagram ad while doom-scrolling at 2 AM (as was normal during the pandemic, IYKYK). I tried their free trial and was hooked.

So much so, that now, 4 years later, I offer Flodesk Design as an add-on service to my web design projects. So let’s chat a little more about Flodesk.

What is Email Marketing & Why Do You Need a Whole Separate Platform for It?

Email marketing is how you slide into your clients’ inboxes to keep them updated, showcase your work, cultivate a connection with your audience, and sell stuff.

ShowIt, the platform I design websites on, doesn’t have email marketing built-in like other web platforms do (Squarespace, etc.). But honestly? That’s totally fine, because it means you get to use Flodesk. It’s damn good, plays nice with ShowIt, and has waaaaaay more analytics features than Squarespace’s built-in platform could even dream of.

Let’s get into my favorite parts:

Flodesk is the Best Email Platform for Small Business: Here’s Why

It’s Insanely User-Friendly

You know how Apple products just make sense? Like you could pick up an iPhone for the first time and automatically know how to get around? That’s Flodesk in a nutshell. The backend of this platform is sleek as hell, and everything is where you’d expect it to be.

In a world where some platforms seem to be designed by un-aesthetic men who feed on user frustration, Flodesk is a breath of fresh air. It’s like they actually want you to succeed and ENJOY THE PROCESS (a! concept!), instead of pulling your hair out while trying to figure out how to change a font color.

So if you’re tired of platforms that make you feel like you need a coding background to send a newsletter (*cough cough* Mailchimp *cough cough*), Flodesk is the platform for you.

Plus, if we work together on a Flodesk Design day, I’ll get the whole account set up for you and give you a little personalized tour/tutorial of how everything works, so, you’ll be golden 😉

You Can Create Absolutely Stunning Emails

If you’re a creative business owner who believes that design does matter (and I hope you do, otherwise, why are you on my website?!?!), then you’ll love it. As the best email marketing platform for small business, Flodesk doesn’t just deliver emails, they look freaking SICKKKK too.

They’ve got TONS of different chic layouts and sections to choose from, and all you have to do is stack the different sections you want and start writing. Their templates are truly the Beyoncé of email design.

And let’s talk about your audience: If ANY part of your business is targeting millennials or Gen-Z, then using Flodesk is vital. These generations don’t just appreciate good design – they expect it as a bare minimum.

(Side note: if you work with me on a Flodesk Design Day, I’ll design custom email templates for you that match your brand & website perfectly. Just sayin’!!!!)

My Personal Favorite Part: It Doesn’t Ruin Your Website Design

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten to the end of a web design project, so proud of the work I did—only to have it ruined by having to embed a ConvertKit or ActiveCampaign or Mailchimp form that ruins the whole ass design.

Luckily, Flodesk, the best email marketing platform for small business, is here to save your aesthetic (and my sanity). Because unlike those other email platforms, Flodesk forms allow you to actually match your brand fonts. Let me repeat that for the people in the back: YOU CAN MATCH. YOUR. BRAND. FONTS.

(And colors.)

No more compromising the creative vision because some email platform decided that “customization” means choosing between Tahoma and Courier New. If you’re tired of your email forms sticking out like a sore thumb on your beautifully crafted ShowIt website, it’s time to make the switch.

Your brand & web designer will thank you.

Ready to try Flodesk yourself?

Hellllll yeah. You can use my code KLEIST for 50% off for a year.

Ready to hire someone to help you design your Flodesk?

I thought you’d never ask! In just one day, I can design up to 4 welcome sequences, a newsletter template, AND custom opt-in pages on your website. I will also set up your account and show you how everything works, so you don’t have to wander aimlessly through the platform yourself.

Unsure if email marketing is for you?

I get it. Even when you’re set up to use the best email marketing platform for small business, sending emails takes TIME. You have to write. You have to design. It can be annoying. Take it from me, though: my newsletter has become my ONE favorite marketing tool, because it actually allows me to be lazy. It takes me 1 hr a week—that’s just as much as EACH Instagram post takes me to write & design.

I learned from the best. Start here for all the best email marketing education!

And read this for how to make it even EASIER!

Hi, I'm Sarah Kleist.

Brand & web designer, personal brand strategist, and marketing educator obsessed with the power of connecting with audiences.



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If not— hi! I'm Sarah Kleist: ShowIt Brand & Web Designer, Actor, Vocalist, Marketing Strategist, TikToker, and all-around Creative Multi-Hyphenate Girly. 

I'm on a mission to help everyone I meet (whether it's online or IRL) make more money doing the creative shit they love every day. And if that's a cause you're interested in, then I'm so glad you found me. Pull up a chair, crack open your favorite seltzy, and dive in.



DIY-ing your service-based website and unsure about what sections you need and what pages they should go on? This is for you! These are the exact guidelines I use to plan my client's sites for maximum conversion.

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